Paper Details

Enhancing Cyber Security Enhancement Through Generative AI

Vol. 9, Jan-Dec 2023 | Page: 35-50

Oku Krishnamurthy
Tech Lead software engineer- ITRAC,AT&T Services Inc, Automation Platform Department, NJ, USA

Received: 29-01-2023, Accepted: 23-03-2023, Published Online: 18-05-2023

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The advancement of Generative AI (GenAI) models has been a pivotal aspect of digital transformation in 2022. With GenAI models such as ChatGPT and Google Bard continuously enhancing their intricacy and capabilities, it becomes imperative to assess their cybersecurity implications. Recent occurrences have showcased the deployment of GenAI tools in defensive and offensive cybersecurity endeavours, prompting scrutiny of this technology's social, ethical, and privacy dimensions. This research paper delves into the limitations, hurdles, potential hazards, and prospects of GenAI within cybersecurity and privacy. It sheds light on the vulnerabilities inherent in ChatGPT, which malevolent actors could exploit to extract information illicitly, circumventing the model's ethical constraints.


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